• Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible hand tools
  • Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible hand tools
  • Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible hand tools
  • trojan-as-co-coping-scroll-saw-vintage-antique-made-in-usa-collectible-woodworking-jewelry-cutting-hand-tools-measurements
  • Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible hand tools
  • Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible hand tools

Vintage Trojan A.S. & Co Coping Scroll Saw Worchester Mass


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Nice vintage Trojan A.S. & Co. scroll coping saw 6 1/2″ blade built by Parker Manufacturing Company from Worchester, Mass. Rare antique made in USA collectible woodworking and jewelry cutting hand tools


Parker Manufacturing Company

Arthur Henry Parker founded the Parker Wire Goods firm in 1901. Eventually, they branched into hand tools, making some of them for the Sears Craftsman brand. The company became the Parker Manufacturing Company in 1943. During World War II, the company was the largest producer of the M3A1 combination tool. By 1965, the company was reputed to be the world's largest manufacturer of hacksaw and coping saw frames, and the largest manufacturer in New England of saber saw blades and jig saw blades. It was also a pioneer in adopting a guaranteed annual wage plan, which it had begun in 1939. More info at